You can make sourdough

Rorie’s free video + PDF courses simplify every step from starter to finish.
Now, this life-changing bread is practical, predictable, and delicious.

Does any of this sound familiar?

“Sourdough is a fancy bread only experienced bakers can make. Not me.”

“I give up. Sourdough is so unpredictable; it flops more often than it works.”

“I can’t fit sourdough into my schedule. I’m too busy to babysit dough!”

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Rewind a few years ago, and I felt the same way.

From impossible

On a quest for bread that energized instead of weighing me down, I heard about sourdough. But everyone said it was impossible.

Then, in Israel, I tried some. It was better than I could have imagined! It made me feel full without feeling bloated, energized instead of lethargic.

The next few whirlwind months found me spending hours with Esther Black, the baker who had created that miraculous bread. After I learned her technique, we improved and simplified her recipe… until spelt sourdough was transformed to something clear, simple, and predictable.

A couple of years later, I teamed up with Hinda Davis to do the same thing for gluten-free sourdough.

to perfectly doable

Today, I make spelt or gluten free sourdough at least once a week.

The rewards are huge. They are easily digestible, filling, and energizing – everything bread should be – without any of the negative effects we usually associate with it.

And thanks to my foolproof recipe + technique and tried-and-true scheduling tips, sourdough has become a completely doable and even beloved part of my routine.

I can honestly say that sourdough has changed my life.
Now it’s your turn.

In my free sourdough courses, I invite you into my kitchen and show you everything I know –

along with written instructions you can keep on your counter.

Rorie’s Free

Sourdough Course

Do you…

If you’ve answered yes to any of these, this course was made for you.

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Cost: FREE

This course is completely free, no strings attached.

To access, simply submit your name and email address.

You may unsubscribe from Full ‘N Free emails at any time.

Rorie’s Free

Sourdough Course

Do you…

If you’ve answered yes to any of these, this course was made for you.

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Cost: FREE

This course is completely free, no strings attached.

To access, simply submit your name and email address.

You may unsubscribe from Full ‘N Free emails at any time.

Yes, they're free.


Because sourdough has been so life-changing for me that I just can’t keep it to myself.

I’m passionate about bringing the miracle of bread into YOUR life.

These courses are my way of doing that.

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But… is sourdough really worth it?

“Sourdough’s all the rage now, but it has nothing to do with health.”

We’ve all heard that somewhere.

It’s true that it’s all the rage. (Which is why you’ll feel even cooler making it yourself.)

But actually, sourdough DOES have a lot to do with health.

Here are the answers to your most pressing sourdough questions:

Until about 150 years ago, sourdough was the only kind of bread around, because commercial yeast hadn’t been invented yet. Sourdough is made by fermenting flour in water to produce natural yeast that makes the dough rise. In addition, the fermentation process also produces gut-healthy bacteria.

Sourdough is so much better for our bodies than unfermented bread. Aside from being free of commercial yeast, which some people are sensitive to, fermenting grains makes them much more “nutrient-available.”

Flour contains lectins and phytates that:

  1. make grain hard to digest, and 
  2. impede nutrient absorption in our bodies.

Fermenting flour breaks down most of the lectins and phytates, making the bread easier to digest and the proteins, calcium, B vitamins, and iron in the bread more available.

Additionally, because the dough needs to be fermented for many hours before baking, natural yeast and bacteria develop and break down the “broken starches” that ground flour contains. This makes sourdough bread lower glycemic and gentler on blood sugar. These same microbes also break down and predigest the gluten in the dough, so by the time we eat it, it’s much easier to digest.

While wheat sourdough has all these benefits, spelt sourdough is even more special.

Spelt is a “gentle grain.” The gluten in spelt is water-soluble, which makes it easier for the digestive system to break down. Spelt flour is also lower-glycemic (i.e., has a lower impact on blood sugar) than wheat. When you ferment this gentler grain to make sourdough, the benefits of both are magnified.

Anyone who wants the benefits of sourdough and the special bonus benefits of spelt can enjoy spelt sourdough. But it’s life changing for people who can’t eat other bread without discomfort, including those with wheat or oat intolerance, non-celiac gluten sensitivity, IBS, autoimmune disease, or insulin resistance.

Again, anyone can enjoy it; it’s probably the easiest kind of sourdough out there, as the starter develops quickest and the baking process is extremely straightforward. But it’s life-changing for those who either can’t tolerate gluten, can’t tolerate carbs, can’t digest unfermented grains, or all of the above.

In my free courses, spelt and gluten-free sourdough go from impossible to perfectly doable.

Watch every step

from building a starter to putting the finishing scores on a beautiful loaf.

Get clear instructions

to take home and keep on your counter.

Learn how to fit

weekly baking into a busy schedule – from someone who’s figured it all out.

Ready to get your hands wet?
Let’s get this sourdough adventure started.

Meet Rorie Weisberg, CHC

Since 2015, Rorie Weisberg, CHC, has been educating the kosher community on how to live life with the energy and vitality we all want, favorite foods included.

Her varied titles include health coach, creator and CEO of the Full ‘N Free product line, health columnist in Mishpacha’s Family Table, health ambassador for, creator of Rorie’s Recipes at Hava Java, and ArtScroll cookbook author of Food You Love: That Loves You Back.

Meet Rorie Weisberg, CHC

Since 2015, Rorie Weisberg, CHC, has been educating the kosher community on how to live life with the energy and vitality we all want, favorite foods included.

Her varied titles include health coach, creator and CEO of the Full ‘N Free product line, health columnist in Mishpacha’s Family Table, health ambassador for, creator of Rorie’s Recipes at Hava Java, and ArtScroll cookbook author of Food You Love: That Loves You Back.

As a coach and educator, Rorie Weisberg’s science-based approach to helping people with hormonal imbalance, blood sugar issues, diabetes, and PCOS has had incredible results. Her many varied recipes and tips make it practical to adopt and sustain a healthy lifestyle.

Dr. Don Zwickler, MD
Internal Medicine Specialist

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I’m passionate about giving you and your family the gift of bread that makes you feel your best.
– Rorie


Nutrient Available

Easily Digestible

Bread that energizes instead of weighing you down.
Bread the way it’s meant to be.

Ready to start your sourdough adventure?

No strings attached. To access, simply submit your name and email address. You may unsubscribe from Full ‘N Free emails at any time.

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